Ninja Duck
Created in 2021 Fall
Role | Solo Duration | 2 Weeks Tools Used | Unity
“The city is engulfed in the flames of war...You will take on the role of a nameless ninja duck, striving to escape this deadly land.”
About the Game
The 'Ninja Duck' project originated from a themed game jam. The challenge was to create a 'one-button game.'
As a result, I designed a side-scrolling game where our ninja duck must attempt to escape from a city engulfed in flames.
The player’s Goal is to achieve a higher score before the duck died.
Design on ‘One-Button Actions’
The core design idea of the game revolves around the ‘Space button’.
At totally of 3 Actions can be performed by clicking space.
Control: Attack
Tap space to perform Attack or Parry.
If the enemy is not attacking, the duck will attack.
If the enemy is attacking, the duck will parry. Parry is a risky & high-reward action. Once the parry is successful, the player can cancel the enemy's attack and easily kill the target.
Control: Defend
Hold the space key to defend. ‘Defend’ is a negative and discouraged move. The game encourages players to gradually replace defense with parry during the learning process.
Design on ‘Flame & Death’
In ‘Ninja Duck’, there is no health bar. When the duck falls into the flames on the right side of the screen, the game ends.
Every enemy missed will be consumed by flame and make it bigger. Every Player action and the attack the duck take will also change it’s position on the map.
Dynamic player position on Map
As the diagram above, the player's position on the map is dynamic.
When the player takes no action, the duck will move to the right side which is away from the flames. When defending, the duck will gradually speed down and get closer to the flames.
Balance the position, using defend to slow down, and releasing defend to accelerate, is the strategy that players need to adopt.