Underneath Tehom Lore

Deep down……


We’ll find our way home, or perish in the attempt.

About the Lore

"Underneath Tehom" is a world that I began crafting around the fall of 2021. In the ACCD Game Design Program's "Worldbuilding" and "IP Creation" courses, we were tasked with developing our own fictional worlds and using these settings for the final capstone election.

Ultimately, this concept emerged as the winning choice during the selection process.

High Concept

  • The Lost Kingdom of Humanity: Humanity was once a surface dweller until the kingdoms of humanity were swallowed by the primordial maw of God Serpent.

  • Expedition to Underneath: The great maw, named Tehom, will continue to digest the life inside from top to bottom. In order to survive, Survivors banded together and formed a great expedition - intent to go deeper, finding their way out.

  • Devour: In Tehom, blood and flesh are considered sacred. Consuming each other's blood and flesh is believed to inherit their power. In order to survive, human must eat, Even if it is a body belongs to another human…

Game Story Synopsis

Woken by the smell of blood, you find yourself amongst the expedition’s lost. Untold years have passed. Accompanying you are the bodies of ancients and the recently deceased

You will harness the magic of a Necromancer, guiding an expedition comprising both the living and the deceased through the depths of the primeval underworld, while rescuing lost comrades along the journey. All of this is in pursuit of finding the way back to the surface… Before you discover who you really are…

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